Friday, April 23, 2010

I born only for serve my country: India that is Bharat

"Those who wish to hurt, partitioning or seize of India our motherland, must kill us to the last man, woman, and child".Because we know that nothing is more valuable than independence and freedom. Our enemies can kill 100s or 1000s of our men for every one we kill of yours. But even at those odds, they will lose and we will win. For every Indian its better to sacrifice everything than to live in slavery of those dirty minds.The all Indian people deeply love independence, freedom and peace,But in the face of aggression by any dirty mind if they ever try to rise up, are always united as one united power.We have to win war against terrorism, Maoism, sperationism, inequality, poority, corruption, illiteracy, at any cost, even if the Himalyas burn or Sagaras go dry"
What emotion, enthusiasm, enlightenment and confidence they communicated to me! I wept for joy. Sitting by myself in my room, I would shout as if I were addressing large crowds: Its patriotism, nothing else that inspired me.Remember, the storm is a good opportunity for the pine and the cypress to show their strength and their stability.My only desire is that all of us, closely united in struggle, construct a peaceful, unified, independent, democratic and prosperous, and make a valiant contribution to the biggest Revolution in the history of all human civilizations till now.

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